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The Legend of Adwind: A Commodity RAT Saga in Eight Parts - Adwind rat 3.0 free download

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By Unit Category: MalwareUnit The Adwind RAT family remains prevalent in the wild. Palo Alto Networks has collected over 45, samples from adwind rat 3.0 free download various Adwind iterations. We have observed these samples used in over 2 million attacks against Palo Alto Networks customers sincehighlighting the high impact of this popular commodity RAT. The first six iterations of the multi-platform Adwind RAT family adwind rat 3.0 free download been exhaustively documented, so we will not rehash analysis of the RAT itself.

We have identified the author of this commodity malware, demonstrating that ownership of this RAT under its various monikers never actually changed. By developing a technique to isolate cracked versions from licensed samples, we have documented the impact of the availability of free, cracked versions, and identified researcher reporting as a repeated catalyst to recent rebranding.

On January 11,Spanish-language indetectables[. A Google translation of the text follows Figure 1. Figure 1. Adwind announces "Frutas". Figure 2. Frutas RAT. Throughhe released adwind rat 3.0 free download updates to Frutas.

From earlythe renamed Adwind RAT was sold at adwind[. Figure 3. Figure 4. Adwind RAT version 2. A Google translation of the text follows the figure. Figure 5. Adwind claims a change of adwind rat 3.0 free download. So, why this rebrand? He may have feared — correctly — that an operational security OpSec fail on his part with his Adwind identity might expose his identity and ownership. Figure 6. The site offered a monthly subscription option as well as the ability to purchase the software outright, shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7. UnReCoM purchase options. You will have full control of your devices in one place. The reason for this rebrand is unknown. Alternatively, it might be to avoid reputation issues — complaints about various iterations of the Adwind family, lack of support, and dishonoring of purchases are common on forums:. Figure 8. On April 8,Fidelis released a report on Alien Spy.

By the end of April, the domain for the next Adwind family rebrand had been adwind rat 3.0 free download, and the registrar had suspended alienspy[. The continuity between these rebrands is apparent in the Skype profile for Alien Spy, shown below in Figure 9.

Figure 9. Alien Spy Skype profile. The domain for this next rebrand, jsocket[. Figure Comparison of alienspy[. In Februaryunsubstantiated rumors that the Adwind author had been arrested circulated on forums. On February 8,Kaspersky published a report adwind rat 3.0 free download JSocket. Our actor again responded quickly to the publication of the Kaspersky research on February 8, A new domain, jbifrost[.

JBifrost RAT logo. This incarnation of the site seemed to drop the loud public advertising in favor of a members-only private site with forums, sales, and chat. The website was reported to have been suspended by the ISP in late-Juneand Fortinet published research into jBifrost on August 16, The actor appears to have taken a little longer in re-establishing his site after the jbifrost[.

Again, this site supported a private members area rather than loud, public advertising. Unknown RAT logo. The site was parked by the registrar August 4, and expired in December The last known possible website for the Adwind family, jconnectpro[.

The site helpfully documented the connection and evolution of the malware family, shown in Figure adwind rat 3.0 free download The site was suspended by the ISP in early April It is possible that jconnectpro[. Not new users or renews in this moment. You can continue to use our software but you will not be allowed to login in our website. We finished our work here since our software was selled to other team of developers. But we will try to update stub for currents users with active memberships.

The timeline of RAT rebrand names at the site contains capitalizations in the names that differ from the original sites. Unknown Software "unavailable". After unknownsoft[. Crypting will modify malware binary files such that they have a new, unique hash value, without altering their functionality. Initial investigation uncovered some Spanish-language artifacts associated with UnknownCrypter.

We wondered if Adwind might be leveraging his Java coding expertise and operating this system himself as a second revenue stream alongside his RAT. In our SilverTerrier research of Nigerian cybercrime, we note an increase in the popularity of commodity RATs adwind rat 3.0 free download that community. Indeed, our research into leaked customer lists of commodity malware has shown that the vast majority of the customers are Nigerian.

We also observed a burgeoning Nigerian ecosystem around the various aspects of cybercrime, читать больше so a Nigerian-based crypting service should not come as a surprise. Although Adwind apparently no longer sells his RAT on the web or on forums, the question remains: what of all the ongoing Adwind-family telemetry do we continue to observe?

Cracked copies of Adwind-family malware have been in circulation for several years, through to cracked versions of Unknown RAT as seen in Figure Cracked Unknown RAT. This corresponds closely with the ostensible rebranding to jConnectPro, with that domain being registered only five days later. Although we noted earlier that jconnectpro[. All known cracked versions of Unknown RAT predate the above-observed branding and domain change.

Cracked versions of earlier Adwind family RATs seem to be twice as common. During the same period, we found almost 30, Adwind wintv v7 2 hd with extend download that did not contain that marker, observed in over 1. As we noted earlier, the jConnectPro website was suspended in early April Unlike previous rebranding, there was no handoff to a new brand as we had observed earlier, via website, Skype, forum, or reports of emails to customers.

This begged the question: Has Adwind finally closed up shop? Is the ongoing Adwind telemetry simply observing cracked versions and legacy legitimate samples continuing to be deployed?

We noted some other small changes in file writes in samples around this date, but we have not been able to identify any other new functionality in samples observed since June Samples with these markers continue to be observed in the active attacks through September Domain registrars and hosting services were distinctly adwind rat 3.0 free download with every rebrand.

Infrastructure was not reused. Having analyzed thousands of actors and their infrastructure, such consistently good OpSec is a rarity. Adwind attempted not only to hide his identity but, fearing discovery adwind rat 3.0 free download in order to distance himself from issues with bad reputation, also attempted to suggest a change of ownership.

In his attempt to misdirect identification and pretend to have on-sold his business, Adwind читать статью left a pattern in his OpSec.

The very consistency of his OpSec itself is an indicator of it remaining under his control during its entire history. Some new functionality was added, but improvements were essentially iterative. Care was always taken to ensure a continuity between brands for his customers; the new brand was adwind rat 3.0 free download in forums on the adwind rat 3.0 free download website, in his Skype profiles Figure 9and основываясь на этих данных emails to existing customers — more care than might be expected if it was on-sold to a third party.

Domain moves were always seamless, and rebrands were, on several occasions, clearly triggered by the publishing of research Figure Timeline of the Adwind RAT family. Stylistic similarities bridged the different RAT brands — logos Figures 11 and 12site content Figures 13 and 14 and also as seen above in the jSocket section.

Spanish-language artifacts were obvious early on. The original website selling Adwind was adwind[. Mexican host computers in YouTube advertising.

The email address adwind[at]live. Frutas strings. Skype profile.



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